Friday, 24 June 2016


This is new WhatsApp features and is for all WhatsApp user whatever he use Android device, Java Phone, Blackberry Smartphone or iPhone Os.

How to Write Bold text in WhatsApp ?
I am 100% sure that you have seen bold letter in WhatsApp. Did you try to write bold text in Whatsapp ? Well, Don’t Worry because i am here. Follow below process to write bold word/sentence in WhatsApp :

  1. Open WhatsApp App
  2. Go to any group/friend to whom do you want to send bold text
  3. Write * before and after the word/sentence.
  4. Ex: If you want to bold this roysfan then write *Roysfan* and send it .
  5. WhatsApp program will auto change *Roysfan* in Roysfan bold text.
  6. That’s the way for writing bold text in WhatsApp.

How to Write Italic text in WhatsApp ?

  1. Do the same as told in above but only you have to change from * to _ (underscore) .
  2. See below process to write italic word in WhatsApp :
  3. Firstly Go to WhatsApp Messenger
  4. Then select any group/friend to whom do you want to send italic text
  5. Write _ before and after the word/sentence.
  6. Ex: If you want to italic this Roysfan then write _Roysfan_ and send it .
  7. WhatsApp program will auto change _Roysfan_ in Roysfan italic text.
  8. That’s the way for writing italic text in WhatsApp.


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